Recommended stores

Live the best bridal experience available, wherever you are. Or wherever you want to live it! At Rosa Clará, we put a blissful bridal experience within the reach of brides wherever they are. Click on any location to discover the nearest recommended stores stocking our exclusive wedding gowns. Rosa Clará's experience and prestige speak for themselves — trust in our expert judgement.

Bristol Chicago Edinburg Jeddah London Manila Matlock Melbourne Miami Michigan Paris Piraneus Quebec Sydney Antwerp Flemish Brabant Limbourg Attard California Georgia Glasgow Hong Kong Indianapolis Luxembourg Massachusetts Meath New Jersey New York Newfoundland and Labrador North Holland Swansea Texas Utah Warwickshire West Yorkshire Aberdeenshire Cheshire Kerry Somerset Surrey New South Wales Dorset Staffordshire

For any woman who's decided to take the vows that will join her in marriage to the love of her life, choosing her wedding dress is one of the most important decisions she'll make as she plans that special day.

At Rosa Clará we know our brides-to-be and know that a #RosaClaraRealBride won't settle for just any collection or just any bridal design. A woman who identifies with our brand aspires to wear a gown that makes her feel radiant and special in equal measure, a premium-quality dress that fully reflects her tastes and style and expresses her unique personality in every step.

Porque nuestras referencias responden a la excelencia en alta costura nupcial y porque como firma tenemos presencia a nivel internacional, hemos determinado una selección de tiendas recomendadas -tanto oficiales como categorizadas como Gold Partner-, presentes alrededor del mundo, donde poder comprar nuestros exclusivos vestidos de novia.

Te invitamos a que descubras cuáles son las ciudades y provincias en las que podrás visitar nuestras tiendas destacadas Gold Partner, con venta de colecciones de vestidos de novia Rosa Clará, y vivir una experiencia nupcial incomparable. ¡Elige en función de cuál sea tu ubicación o de la localización deseada!